Tua o Te Arai Performance Workshop
23 - 27 January 2017, Sydney Australia
Facilitated by Charles Koroneho, hosted by Victoria Hunt and Critical Path
Venue: Critical Path
Movement & Hybrid Training
Muscle-Bone is dedicated to body training and spatial preparation for performance. The sessions are designed to be fast paced and physically rigorous. Mind-Body sessions emphasise set and improvised movement generation, spatial activation and performative explorations. Mau Rakau (traditional Maori martial arts) training with a wooden staff to improve mobility, speed, hand-eye coordination and orientation of objects in space.
Creative Research and Discussions
The workshop proposes four research spaces | concepts.
Customary, Urupa - burial ground, cemetery, graveyard
Remembered , Atamira - an elevated platform for the dead, corpse
Nearly Forgotten, Tuahu - ceremonial platform, sacred place for ritual practices
Unknown , Te Arai, a threshold, resting place for the dead
Facilitated by Charles Koroneho, hosted by Victoria Hunt and Critical Path
Venue: Critical Path
Movement & Hybrid Training
Muscle-Bone is dedicated to body training and spatial preparation for performance. The sessions are designed to be fast paced and physically rigorous. Mind-Body sessions emphasise set and improvised movement generation, spatial activation and performative explorations. Mau Rakau (traditional Maori martial arts) training with a wooden staff to improve mobility, speed, hand-eye coordination and orientation of objects in space.
Creative Research and Discussions
The workshop proposes four research spaces | concepts.
Customary, Urupa - burial ground, cemetery, graveyard
Remembered , Atamira - an elevated platform for the dead, corpse
Nearly Forgotten, Tuahu - ceremonial platform, sacred place for ritual practices
Unknown , Te Arai, a threshold, resting place for the dead